Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Lessig and Cyberspace

"The claim for cyberspace was not just that government would not regulate cyberspace - it was that government could not regulate cyberspace. Cyberspace was, by nature, unavoidably free."

In the beginning of Code 2.0, Lessig discusses on how cyberspace was on its own, separate from regulation or rules set by our government. As I was reading, I quoted Lessig above, because I found the statement to be very clear cut and straight to the point. Lessig does a fabulous job on the way he divides the book to show how cyberspace control evolves. For now, he touches on the aspect that cyberspace is in its "own world" so to speak. The government can threaten people using cyberspace, but nobody can control the way an individual does things or goes about his or her business. Laws are vanished in the cyberspace world, you are on your own. Creating something that is apart from the governments reach can spark endless debate. I am interested in reading the end of the book to see how cyberspace is evolved and how the government can regulate it, if it can.

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