Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Technology is very broad, and it can be viewed in many different ways. My focus is on how technology affects society and how we adapt to those changes. My form of enclosure is how technology plays a role in society. My previous blogs addressed issues concerning technology as well as how technology and new devices are shaping the way we think and act. Technology can refer to machines, hardware, and utensils. Speaking of utensils, the fork was created as a technological advancement. It may be hard to believe, but the fork has changed the way we think and act. The American culture has adapted to eating with a fork and using the fork as a daily routine. As I consider technology throughout the blog it is important to keep in mind, enclosure, and how technology provides an enclosure. Some people argue that technology alienates people from society. Being isolated from society is a form of enclosure, and the body and the mind is the reason for such an enclosure. Ipods, cell phones, palm pilot devices, and pocket organizers are all forms of technology which isolate us from others. People may be less sociable when all the entertainment they need is in the palm of their hands. It is true that some people may alienate themselves with the growing technology, but I think that technology connects people in very easy ways. An email can be sent in seconds, a call can be made with a click of a button, and people can share ideas by posting a blog on the internet. Thanks to technology, society is connecting people, and for the most part, making it easier for people to do everyday tasks. Technological advances have been made on a day to day basis. The school systems are one of the most affected places. Years back all mathematical equations and formulas were done the long way, hand written of course. Today we have tools, such as the calculator, to speed up the process of the more time consuming jobs. Technology has created a new era of life. It makes the more difficult jobs so much simpler for everyone. The majority of research in schools is now done through a computer. Years ago computers weren’t around so research and reports were done by using books, newspapers, and magazines. Technology has improved our school systems for the most part, but what about the predicaments that it has caused as well? For starters, a large part of the practice by hand written equations has now died out and been replaced by the calculators. It might seem like such a great benefit to some, but it’s only the easy way out of basic mathematical concepts. If we don’t understand the fundamentals of math, we will never build a secure foundation and struggle simply because we took the easy route. Also, the rise in technological impact on computers has greatly benefited many. The down side might not be seen, but it truly is affected. Now that computers have been used and advanced so greatly, magazines and newspapers aren’t as valuable as they once were. This only concludes into a question; years from now, will there even be magazines and newspapers, and if so, how valuable will they be to us? Once again the fork provides a great enclosure for technology; the tines of the fork split and reveal the different aspects of technology. Does technology make people lazy? Will technology out-think the human race? Will the rapid growth of technology ever stop? Do people value technology or think it is a waste? How can all these questions be answered in one direct path? It cannot be done, and that is why the fork provides us ways to think in different levels, just follow the tines. I have incorporated a video I created for you to see what I think technology is. I also added a video on what my sister, Michelle Cacovic, thinks about technology. After reading this blog, one might wonder why I did not focus on a specific aspect of technology, but the answer is I cannot. When I hear the word technology, the thoughts that come to my head are endless. My system of enclosure is technology and how it plays an impact in the world today.

Thanks to Professor Moss and the English 280 class I was able to gain insight on technology and think outside the context of the issue to form my enclosure for the semester. If anyone is interested to learn the exciting things I have learned I urge you to view the main class blog of Professor Moss at:


My Technology Video

My Sister and Technology

Youtube Video

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